Project outline
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MASA/FUAM editions
500 copies - trade book
Hard Cover 148 pages
Black and white duotone pictures
Munken Pure paper
17,5 X 23 cm
Foreword: David Campany
Recipient of the FUAM dummy book award
Despite being battered by a growing decline, Rome remains one of the most tourist-loved places in the world with a stereotyped postcard-friendly surface. Our daily life in Rome made us witness a dramatic change and a feeling of uncertainty towards the future. In the recent times, the contrasts between the grandeur of the past and the shadowy present had become stronger. In this critical moment of ongoing mutation, it was clear that the city was expressing its most intimate and vulnerable side. We felt the urge to capture Rome exploring its multifaceted underlying texture, made of a series of hidden microcosms often parted from each other by cultural, social and ideological basics, converging and formally connecting while emerging on the surface. Thanks to a domino effect, we built a complex range of relations with people and places in order to remap the city, enabling a mutual permeability, photographer-lieu, photographer-subject, setting off the opportunity of a more human-sized documentation. These monadic worlds have been the key to our personal account and opened up a renewed perception that brought us closer to unveil the actual spirit of the city.