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Jean-Marc Caimi and Valentina Piccinni have been collaborating since 2013 on documentary and personal photography projects. Their focus centers on contemporary subjects, with a particular emphasis on the human dimensions of each narrative. Their works have gained global recognition and are regularly featured in press and media outlets including The Guardian, Die Zeit, Financial Times, Geo, Der Spiegel, Politico, Le Monde, Libération, Vogue, L’Espresso, Internazionale, Wired, GQ, Newsweek, The Sunday Times, The Atlantic, and numerous others.


The duo has earned several awards, such as the 2023 Revela’t Prize, the 2021 Planches Contact+Photo4Food, the ISPA Award for best photo story, The Sistema Festival “Reset” Award, the 2020 PHmuseum Of Humanity Grant in the solo show category, the 2019 Sony World Photography Award in the category “Discovery”, the 2018 Istanbul Photo Book Award, and the 2016 Gomma Grant for best B&W documentary work. Their works have been exhibited across Europe and Asia in galleries and festivals including the Biennale Für Aktuelle Fotografie, Delhi Photo Festival, Lumix Festival, Fotografia Europea, Phest, and Voies Off.


With a portfolio of six published books, their most recent releases include "Fastidiosa" (for Overlapse) and "En Présence De L’Absence" (for Éditions Bessard). They have previously published a trilogy on cities in transition, encompassing "Güle Güle" focusing on Istanbul, "Forcella" centered on Naples, and "RHOME", which was a finalist for the PHotoESPANA Best Photobook of the Year 2019. "Güle Güle" received a special mention at the Kassel Dummy Book Award 2019, was a finalist at Luma Rencontres Dummy Book Award in Arles, and was shortlisted for the Arles Author Book Award 2020 and Prix Nadar 2020.